Big Books For Little Hands

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Anti-Racism & Social Justice

It’s never too early to talk to our children about racism.

Talking about racism is challenging. It’s even more challenging to talk about with young children. However, the more we educate our kids about injustice and privilege, the more prepared they’ll be to recognize it and enact change. The titles below offer a great place to start. Read them with your family and leave space for kids to ask questions. Don’t worry about having all of the answers. Let kids know that you’re on this journey together, that you’re learning too, that it’s ok to ask questions, and that the conversation will be ongoing.

I’m only at the beginning of my journey to better understand racism and my own white privilege. Over the years, I have made many mistakes, and I have so much more to learn. I know that the work of anti-racism is never done, but I hope that the titles below will help you, as they have helped me, begin building the foundation.

Please note the links below are NOT my affiliate links. Instead, you’ll find links to purchase these titles from the virtual storefronts of Black-owned bookstores. Including,

The Lit Bar - Bronx, NY

Sister’s Uptown Bookstore - New York, NY

A Kids Book About Racism - I love this series of books because they use clear language to explain complicated topics. In this story, the author, Jelani Memory, talks about his experience as a biracial person, and how the words and ideas of others make him feel. The narrative is easy for children to understand and relate to. His use of the text as illustrations makes a big impact. This is a great book for all families, no matter where you are in the anti-racism conversation. *The link above takes you to this title at

Black is a Rainbow Color - This story is a MUST read! We live in a world with an overabundance of negative portrayals of Black culture and all things black. This book shines in contrast, as a celebration of Black history, culture, and achievement. With gorgeous illustrations and lyrical text, it will inspire you and your little reader.

Change Sings- This truly beautiful, and powerful book is an illustrated anthem for social justice. Written by the amazing, Amanda Gorman, best-selling author, activist, and, at 22 years old, the youngest presidential inaugural poet in US history. As I read this book to my children for the first time I could hear Amanda’s voice. I had tears in my eyes as the children in the story sowed seeds of kindness, love, and equality. With gorgeous illustrations by Loren Long, this book inspires readers to become activists and shines a light in the darkest corners of injustice.

Mixed: A Colorful Story - in a world where the only colors are red, yellow, and blue, each color thinks they’re the best. But what happens when the colors start to mix? They create an endless rainbow of unique and vibrant colors. I love the way that this book talks about diversity and prejudice in ways that even our youngest readers can understand.

Hands Up - When you hear “hands up,” what do you think of? This book invites us to think about this phrase in a totally different way. Follow our main character as she reclaims and reframes these words, with hands raised in school, at church, and while marching in solidarity with her community.

Love Is Powerful - As Mari and her mom make signs and prepare to attend the Women’s March, she wonders, will the whole world listen? Her mother explains that people will have no choice but to listen because of the power of love.

The Power of One - I love this book because the striking words and minimal text make this book so approachable for our youngest readers. Follow along and see the huge and far-reaching impact that just one person can make.

Speak Up - How do you make a difference in your community? By joining together and using our voices! Follow along as this adorable group of friends learn the power of speaking up to create change. From sharing words of encouragement to expressing disagreement with unfair school rules, the story teaches little readers that their voices are important.

When I Colored in the World - Imagine a world in which we can use color and imagination to transform society. Using her crayons, our main character crosses out the word “crying,” and creates the word “laughter.” The color yellow turns despair into hope, and writing the word “wheat” solves global hunger. I love the way this book inspires readers to think about both the power of their creativity and their voices.

A is For Activist - the perfect alphabet primer for our youngest social justice advocates! Build your baby’s language on a foundation of equality.

Antiracist Baby - It is imperative that we teach our children about social justice from the start and this book makes it so easy. By exposing our youngest readers to Anti-Racist Baby’s 9 easy steps, we lay the foundation for future conversations about making a more equitable world.

Your Life Matters - I have to quote the review of this gorgeous book from School Library Journal because it’s the perfect description “Equal parts homage to Black historical and contemporary figures and a reminder of the greatness that lives within each Black child, this is a title for every collection.” This validating and empowering book belongs on every bookshelf.

Daddy Speaks Love - I’m crushing HARD on this book! I wish I could snap my fingers and drop this book on shelves in every library & school. With inspiring and empowering words and gorgeous watercolor illustrations, this title celebrates Dads of all shapes and sizes. I love the way this story celebrates the power of the words we speak to our children, and the examples we set for them. I love that it celebrates the loving bond between father and child, from the memories knowledge, and joy they share, to the pursuit of truth and social justice.

The Proudest Color - I’m absolutely LOVING this book! Zahra sees the world in vivid color. She sees “razzle-dazzle pink” when she’s happy, deep blue when she’s sad, and purple when she’s nervous. But when she’s proud she feels a beautiful brown in her heart, because it’s the color she sees when she looks in the mirror. It’s the color of her Abuela, her parents, and beloved members of her community. I love the way this book empowers children of color and helps readers explore a wide range of feelings.

The ABC’s of Black History - coming soon!

Come With Me - coming soon!

Books for Grown-Ups

Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestor

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

How To Be An Antiracist

Resources for Parents & Educators

The Inclusion School Podcast - one of my favorite resources for parents and educators. Each episode features advice and tools from professionals who are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion. I love the way hosts, Simone Morris and Julie Kratz, take on topics and subjects that are relevant to what’s going on in the real world.

-Layla F. Saad’s Web site and be sure to check out her “Good Ancestor” Podcast.

-A powerful article from the National Association For the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) discusses implementing an anti-racist curriculum.

- "Resources for Talking to Kids About Race, Racism, and Racialized Violence With Kids” article by the Center for Racial Justice Education.

-This resource guide from offers links for children, featuring some of their favorite characters, and for adults.

Quick Tips:

  • Preview the books before reading with your child. This will help you decide if the length and wording are appropriate for him/her. It'll also help prepare you for questions and topics that may come up as you read.

  • Choose a time when you can read the book slowly with your child, let her/him look at the pictures and take in the words.

  • Be prepared for questions. Stop reading and listen when questions and comments come up. These will give you insight into what your child is feeling and thinking.

  • Remember- you don't need to have all the answers. Just acknowledging your child's feelings and/or questions goes a long way.

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